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WEDNESDAY, 26 MARCH 2025, 03:46


Mbuyiseni Ndlozi resigns from EFF

10 February at 12:04 PM, via Mail & Guardian

His departure follows verbal attacks from Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema

News24 | Mashatile to facilitate talks over the contentious SABC Bill

08 February at 05:45 AM, via News24

With the impasse on the SABC Bill continuing, a meeting between Communications and Digital Technologies Minister Solly Malatsi, National Assembly Speaker Thoko Didiza and Deputy President Paul Mashatile, in his capacity as leader of government business, is on the cards.

Hill-Lewis not eyeing John Steenhuisen’s job

31 January at 16:00 PM, via Mail & Guardian

The ANC says the DA leader’s outbursts reflect his insecurity about his future

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Lamola mends fences with Rwandan counterpart

31 January at 14:20 PM, via Mail & Guardian

The two ministers spoke a day after Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame took exception to a statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa and launched a verbal attack on X

South Africa’s land grab fears a ‘red herring’

31 January at 12:00 PM, via Mail & Guardian

Analysts say that property owners will not be arbitrarily deprived of their rights under the new Expropriation Act

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Kagame’s verbal attack complicates Ramaphosa bid to stem DRC conflict

31 January at 06:00 AM, via Mail & Guardian

The Rwandan president is defying international pressure to withdraw his soldiers from eastern DRC where they are backing militia

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Civil war raging in DRC becomes a nightmare for South Africa

30 January at 06:00 AM, via Mail & Guardian

President Cyril Ramaphosa remains in direct contact with the presidents of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and of Rwanda, the perceived backer of the M23 rebels

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