Ten year fishing limit around African penguin colonies gets BirdLife SA thumbs-up
A fishing association has said it is concerned about the endangered penguins, but that the limits on fishing must not threaten the industry
MONDAY, 10 MARCH 2025, 05:41
A fishing association has said it is concerned about the endangered penguins, but that the limits on fishing must not threaten the industry
The US Border Patrol seized seven animals as a person was arrested in Fort Brown, Texas.
Retailers and suppliers are heeding the call for sustainable seafood products
Historically hot seawater in Florida threatens to kill coral, but scientists are fighting to stop it.
But it is no ‘miracle intervention’ to save the imperilled seabirds, minister stresses
Halima Beale and Adam Buckham were the big winners of this year’s event
We did all we could to make sure our vault was highly secured, says North West Parks and Tourism Board
The National Energy Regulator of South Africa has approved one licence instead of the three needed to get the National Transmission Company of South Africa up and running
But measures such as law enforcement authorities working together have resulted in a decline in the number of animals killed
People living around the power station are calling for it to be reopened
With July “virtually certain” to be the warmest month on record, BBC Weather has this analysis.
A number of hotels on the Greek island have been evacuated and some tourists have had to flee on boats.
Experts in Hong Kong believe it to be a rarely-spotted whale mid-feed, filtering small fish into its mouth.
The question was posed at the world’s first robot-human press conference at a UN summit in Geneva.
Spectacular movies of lightning spreading across the Earth have been released by the European weather agency Eumetsat.
The launch is part of a mission that will map the cosmos to try and investigate so-called dark matter.
The 70-minute mission was purchased for the Italian Air Force and the Italian National Research Council.
Drone footage shows a humpback whale swimming alongside a kayaker near Bondi Beach in Australia.
It looks like a character from an animated film but this is a real snailfish deep in the Pacific Ocean.
Two male platypuses were caught on camera fighting for territory in Tasmania, Australia.
The Hawaiian volcano erupted on Wednesday and is still spewing hot lava from various vent sources.