Gordhan: More discussion about just transition needed
The minister says a just transition should ensure no one is left behind
THURSDAY, 27 MARCH 2025, 17:23
The minister says a just transition should ensure no one is left behind
The two animal welfare organisations provide a range of veterinary services when people can’t afford them
Three people were killed and dozens injured a year ago when the tailings dam at the Jagersfontein diamond mine collapsed
Meet the dogs who are helping combat the plant poaching that serves insatiable overseas markets
Space enthusiast in Kathmandu, Nepal and the US state of Colorado filmed the spectacle.
The first study on airborne microplastics discovered that the tiny plastic particles are affecting cloud formation
Astronaut Frank Rubio now holds the record for the longest continuous space flight in US history.
Lapalala housed 120 learners who took part in a competition through speeches and posters to raise awareness for the rhino
The electricity minister warned that if the country took too long to make decisions on transmission expansion, it would add to its electricity crisis
Tidal patterns are highly predictable and this data is widely available for ports or harbours along the coast
The nonprofit is working with government departments and Nedlac to change South Africa’s food donations policy
It is hoped the material from Bennu could tell Nasa how life on Earth began.
Nasa scientists celebrate as the sample successfully lands in the Utah desert.
A public action project looks to halt the functional extinction of endangered seabirds by 2035
South Africa expects more pledges as COP28 gathers steam, but how far have Western countries come in delivering on previous commitments they made?
An octopus with ear-like fins resembling the Disney character is seen at a depth of more than 1,000m.
At the start of the 20th century, an estimated 500 000 rhino roamed Africa and Asia. Today, about 27 000 remain in the wild
SA Harvest and OneFarm Share are collecting food that would have gone to landfill and redistributing it to vulnerable people
Confusion over sell-by, use-by, best before and expiry dates among consumers drives food waste
Woolworths donates surplus food to 890 local charities across South Africa, every day
The phenomenon has historically been associated with drier, warmer conditions over the summer rainfall regions of South Africa