German army probes possible wiretap of Ukraine war talks
The head of Russia’s state-backed RT channel on Friday posted an audio recording of what she claimed were German officers discussing striking Crimea
TUESDAY, 04 MARCH 2025, 18:00
The head of Russia’s state-backed RT channel on Friday posted an audio recording of what she claimed were German officers discussing striking Crimea
South Africa argued before the ICJ that redress must go beyond a two-state solution
The ICJ is holding hearings all week on the legal implications of Israel’s occupation since 1967, with 52 countries expected to give evidence
South Africa is the most popular destination for British trophy hunters
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British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said the Huthis had carried out more than 12 attacks on shipping since the first wave of joint strikes on January 11
Pakistan said the ‘precision military strikes’ were against terrorist hideouts
The youngest hostage to be kidnapped by Hamas was born on January 18 and, if still alive, would be celebrating his first birthday this week
The bill has triggered deep factional Tory infighting not seen since the wrangling over Brexit
The company said it would not allow its technology to be used for ‘political campaigns’
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) holds public hearings in the case South Africa v. Israel. SA makes their argument today.
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The International Court of Justice (ICJ) holds public hearings in the case South Africa v. Israel. SA makes their argument today.
If all goes to plan, Peregrine will touch down on a mid-latitude region of the Moon called Sinus Viscositatis, or Bay of Stickiness, on February 23
Washington has twice exercised its veto at the United Nations Security Council over ceasefire calls, drawing outrage in the Arab world
More than two billion people are eligible to make their crosses in the most important election year of our collective democratic history
Beijing issues a warning to Philippines over disputed area
Turkey and Malaysia have already backed the application, which the US has deemed ‘meritless, counterproductive and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever’
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The announcement comes as Moscow has unleashed repeated barrages of deadly missile and drone strikes against Ukraine in recent days
Local authorities have put the death toll at 30, but the number is expected to increase
Heavy bombardment, and a ground invasion launched three weeks into the war, have reduced vast areas of Gaza to a ruined wasteland and killed at least 21,822 people, mostly women and children, according to the health ministry
Israeli forces heavily bombed the besieged Gaza Strip on Thursday as the centre of fierce combat moves steadily south where hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians are sheltering
This marks as a win for the US who didn’t have to use its veto again