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SATURDAY, 27 JULY 2024, 06:24


UN’s Call To Action on Extreme Heat

Thursday at 22:41 PM, via Slashdot

UN: The UN Secretary-General’s Call to Action on Extreme Heat brings together the diverse expertise and perspectives of ten specialized UN entities (FAO, ILO, OCHA, UNDRR, UNEP, UNESCO, UN-Habitat, UNICEF, WHO, WMO) in a first-of-its-kind joint product, underscoring the multi-sectoral impacts of extreme heat. Earth is becoming hotter and more dangerous for everyone, everywhere. Billions of...

No return date for Nasa astronauts amid problems with Boeing Starliner capsule

Thursday at 22:38 PM, via The Guardian

Nasa says pair are not stranded but will stay at International Space Station until technical issues have been resolved

Two Nasa astronauts on Boeing’s Starliner capsule will continue to remain at the International Space Station with no official return date yet, Nasa and Boeing officials said on Thursday morning, as engineers continue to examine the technical problems with the capsule.


Minnesota Becomes Second State To Pass Law For Flying Cars

Thursday at 22:00 PM, via Slashdot

Minnesota has become the second state to pass what it’s calling a “Jetsons law,” establishing rules for cars that can take to the sky. New Hampshire was the first to enact a “Jetsons” law. From a report: The new road rules in Minnesota address “roadable aircraft,” which is basically any aircraft that can take off and land at an airfield but is also designed to be operated on a public highway....

5th Circuit Court Upends FCC Universal Service Fund, Ruling It an Illegal Tax

Thursday at 21:25 PM, via Slashdot

A U.S. appeals court has ruled that the Federal Communications Commission’s Universal Service Fund, which collects fees on phone bills to support telecom network expansion and affordability programs, is unconstitutional, potentially upending the $8 billion-a-year system. The 5th Circuit Court’s 9-7 decision, which creates a circuit split with previous rulings in the 6th and 11th circuits, found...

OpenAI To Launch ‘SearchGPT’ in Challenge To Google

Thursday at 20:22 PM, via Slashdot

OpenAI is launching an online search tool in a direct challenge to Google, opening up a new front in the tech industry’s race to commercialise advances in generative artificial intelligence. From a report: The experimental product, known as SearchGPT [non-paywalled], will initially only be available to a small group of users, with the San Francisco-based company opening a 10,000-person waiting...

North Korean Hackers Are Stealing Military Secrets, Say US and Allies

Thursday at 20:05 PM, via Slashdot

North Korean hackers have conducted a global cyber espionage campaign to try to steal classified military secrets to support Pyongyang’s banned nuclear weapons programme, the United States, Britain and South Korea said in a joint advisory on Thursday. From a report: The hackers, dubbed Anadriel or APT45 by cybersecurity researchers, have targeted or breached computer systems at a broad variety...

Southwest Scraps Open Seating, Ending Decades-Long Practice

Thursday at 19:30 PM, via Slashdot

Southwest Airlines announced Thursday that it will get rid of open seating in a sweeping change from its decades-long practice. Instead, it will begin assigning seats and offer premium seating with extra leg room. From a report: Southwest CEO Bob Jordan said, “Our implementation of assigned and premium seating is part of an ongoing and comprehensive upgrade to the Customer Experience, one that...

South Africa’s secret WhatsApp economy

Thursday at 19:09 PM, via MyBroadband

There is an unquantified but substantial number of e-commerce transactions happening in South Africa that don’t go through traditional online shopping platforms.

Google DeepMind takes step closer to cracking top-level maths

Thursday at 18:59 PM, via The Guardian

Team of two new AI systems score one point short of gold medal in global maths contest for gifted students

Even though computers were made to do maths faster than any human could manage, the top level of formal mathematics remains an exclusively human domain. But a breakthrough by researchers at Google DeepMind has brought AI systems closer than ever before to beating the best human...

Google DeepMind’s AI Systems Can Now Solve Complex Math Problems

Thursday at 18:54 PM, via Slashdot

Google DeepMind has announced that its AI systems, AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2, have achieved silver medal performance at the 2024 International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), solving four out of six problems and scoring 28 out of 42 possible points in a significant breakthrough for AI in mathematical reasoning. This marks the first time an AI system has reached such a high level of...

China Is Closing the A.I. Gap With the United States

Thursday at 18:21 PM, via New York Times

In recent weeks, Chinese tech companies have unveiled technologies that rival American systems — and they are already in the hands of consumers and software developers.

Adobe Exec Compared Creative Cloud Cancellation Fees To ‘Heroin’

Thursday at 18:05 PM, via Slashdot

Early termination fees are “a bit like heroin for Adobe,” according to an Adobe executive quoted in the FTC’s newly unredacted complaint against the company for allegedly hiding fees and making it too hard to cancel Creative Cloud. The Verge: “There is absolutely no way to kill off ETF or talk about it more obviously” in the order flow without “taking a big business hit,” this executive said....

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